- The Company was incorporated as ABS Plastics Limited in the year 1973.
- In 1992, the name was changed to ABS Industries Limited.
- In 1997, Bayer AG acquired a majority share of 51% in ABS Industries Limited. The company then became a part of the Bayer group and was rechristened as "Bayer ABS Limited".
- In early 2004, Bayer Group globally decided to restructure its business, The styrenic-based Polymer products became the part of a new group named LANXESS and Company’s name changed to “LANXESS ABS Limited”.
- In 2008, INEOS ABS (Jersey) Limited, UK, acquired major stake constituting 83.33 % of total paid up capital of the Company, thereby becoming the holding Company of LANXESS ABS Ltd. After following appropriate required procedure, the change of name was effected from. June 17,2008 to INEOS ABS(India) Limited.
- In 2012, Styrolution (Jersey) Limited, UK, acquired major stake constituting 87.33 % of total paid up capital of the Company, thereby becoming the holding Company of INEOS ABS (India) Limited. After following appropriate required procedure, the name of the Company was changed from “INEOS ABS (India) Limited” to “Styrolution ABS (India) Limited” effective from May 1, 2012.
- As a part of strategic joint venture globally on 28th January, 2014, the Styrolution (Jersey) Limited, the holding Company of the Styrolution ABS India Limited, has transferred its entire holding of 75% Equity shares to Styrolution South East Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore. Accordingly, the holding Company of Styrolution ABS India Limited is Styrolution South East Asia Pte. Ltd, Singapore, effective from 28th January, 2014.