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  • How To Fixed Blue Screen in HP Laptop & HP Desktop | HP Laptop Support Number (+1)-877-771-7377

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    Blue Screen in HP Laptop or HP Desktop that may Occur During Startup or Boot.

    HP Notebook PCs – Troubleshooting Error Messages on a Blue Screen that may Occur During Startup or Boot hp Blue Screen error as seen in below picture.

    " System and Security. In Windows 8 and 10, head to Control Panel > Security and Maintenance. <yoastmark class=

    In the “Maintenance” section, you’ll be able to check for solutions to existing problems.


    Windows 8 and 10 actually perform this troubleshooting step automatically when your PC restarts after a BSOD. However, it may still be worth paying a visit to the Action Center to see if there are more details or additional troubleshooting steps.

    If Windows can’t fix the problem on it’s own, your best bet for troubleshooting the problem is to search the web for the solution. Scan the blue screen or the minidump file for the specific error. you need just dail Toll-Free HP Laptop Support Number (+1)-877-771-7377 our Technician will resolved your problems remotely.

    that looks something like “0x00000024

    You may see a “Stop Error” number that looks something like “0x00000024.” Or, you may see an error like “Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal.” Either way, a quick search for the exact error will likely yield good results. In fact, Windows 8 and 10 often recommend right on the blue screen that you perform a search for the error.

    If you have trouble locating good advice for solving your problem, don’t worry. BSODs can have a variety of root causes. We do have some additional tips that might help you deal with many blue screens:

    how to fix hp blue screen error

    • Use System Restore: If your system recently started blue-screening, use System Restoreto roll its system software back to a previous state. If this works, you’ll know that it’s likely a software problem.
    • Scan for Malware: Malware that digs deep into Windows and gets its hooks into the Windows kernel at a low level can cause system instability. Scan your computer for malware to ensure buggy malicious software isn’t causing it to crash.
    • Install Updated Drivers: An incorrectly installed or buggy driver can lead to crashes. Download the latest drivers for your computer’s hardware from your computer manufacturer’s website and install them — this may fix BSODs caused by driver problems.
    • Boot Into Safe Mode: If your computer is blue-screening every time you turn it on, try booting into safe mode. In safe mode, Windows loads only the essential drivers. If a driver you’ve installed is causing Windows to blue screen, it shouldn’t do so in safe mode. You can work on fixing the problem from safe mode.
    • Check for Hardware Problems: Blue screens can be caused by faulty hardware in your computer. Try testing your computer’s memory for errors and checking its temperature to ensure that it isn’t overheating. If that fails, you might need to test other hardware components—or hire a pro to do it for you.
    • Reinstall Windows: Resetting Windows—or performing a clean install—is the nuclear option. It will blow away your existing system software, replacing it with a fresh Windows system. If your HP Laptop or HP computer continues to blue screen after this, you likely have a hardware problem.

    restart hp system

    A computer in proper working state shouldn’t blue-screen at all, but no software or hardware is perfect. Even a properly functioning computer may blue screen on rare occasions for no apparent reason—possibly as the result of rare driver bugs or hardware issues,If your computer is regularly blue-screening, you have a problem. If you encounter a blue screen once every two years, don’t worry about it.