It is the most popular and authoritative source for movie lovers.This is combined with a large number of daily visitors.It includes trailers, critic and user reviews, personalized recommendations, photo galleries, entertainment news, quotes, trivia, box-office data, editorial feature sections and a universal Watchlist -- when making viewing decisions.
The best, most complete place to help you find movie trailers, synopsis, movie reviews as well as complete celebrity & movie cast details.
It showcases various available offers,reviews,maps,check-ins,ratings.....all the latest from Hollywood and Bollywood.
Videos can be shared among people, discussions can be caried out with ease, photos can be uploaded and a lot more to do.....
There are polls which helps you to draw better decisions....
This place is a must watch for all who loves movies!!!!
What do you guys think? Does the casting of Cassidy as a little girl robot verify the previously revealed synopsis? Any guesses as to the finer details of the plot?
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