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We’ve heard it all before. Integrated marketing. 360-degree approach. Permission marketing. Digital marketing. Cause marketing. Engagement marketing. Connected marketing. Content as marketing. One-to-one marketing. Glocal marketing.
Every day seems to bring another approach, another buzzword, another label, another short-lived bestselling business book from another author who is never heard from again.
Perhaps that’s the very issue. Many of us lived our marketing lives in the 20th century under the benign and consensual hallucination that Kotler had it all covered. Then came the internet, the set-top box, e-commerce, new logistics, 3D printers, social networks and suddenly Kotler’s 4Ps seem as contemporary as the Bible on astronomy before being rudely corrected by Galileo.
The only issue is that there’s no Galileo here yet. No new widely-accepted Way How Marketing Works. And there may not be, for some time yet.