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EFA is a national not-for-profit —501(c)6— organization, headquartered in New York City, run almost entirely by volunteers. Its members, experienced in a wide range of professional skills, live and work in the United States and a variety of other countries, including Canada, England, France, India, Ireland, Israel, and Japan.
Although the organization is headquartered in Manhattan, more than three-quarters of EFA members now live outside the New York tristate region. Wherever they are, members benefit significantly from EFA's membership directory, members-only email discussion list, Job List service, newsletter, publications, online education courses, and other benefits programs.
The calendar of general meetings —most of which are teleconferences— and regional chapter events is maintained online, disseminated to membership by ConstantContact email broadcast as well as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and often written up in the bimonthly newsletter.
As noted, EFA is run almost entirely by volunteers, all of whom are also full-time freelancers. The Board of Governors oversees EFA's operations and keeps the membership informed of developments within the association.
The officers include the two co-executives, the secretary, and the treasurer. The committee chairs handle the day-to-day business of programs, publications, the newsletter, the website, publicity, chapter development, membership, and education.
The office administrator, EFA's only paid employee, answers the phones and mail, keeps track of supplies, coordinates meeting schedules, and offers all member support as needed. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday.