Group Overview
Dera Paints & Chemicals Ltd. is incorporated in 1990 under companies Act 1956. Having its office in Mumbai, Company is also involved in Manufacturing,Trading for various kinds of paints,Thinner,Idustrial solvents and related products. Recently companty has also started it's service division for Painting & Cleaning - Interiors & Exterior for Hotels,Factory,Warehouse,Apartments,Towers,villas,Machinery Etc.The shares of the Company have been admitted to both depositories NSDL and CDSL. The Shareholders who are still holding their shares in physical format, requested to dematerialize their shares at an early date. more.DERA PAINTS & CHEMICALS LTD is incorporated in 1990 under companies act 1956 and having its office at Andheri west –Mumbai 4400 058.India.Company’s mail object is Manufacturing VariouKinds of Paints, Industrial Solvents, Thinners, Pre- treatments Chemicals, Synthetic Resins.
With this Company do Trading activity of the Paints, Industrial Solvents, Thinners, Pre- treatments Chemicals, Synthetic Resins and raw materials use full these industries.Company is Planning to Set up service& maintenance division for following Product and time to time it will be add on more services :
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