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Dayananda Sagar University is a private university.It is located in Bangalore.[1][2][3] It is situated in the heart of Bengaluru (12 58 N 77 35 E, 920m altitude), India’s “Garden City” also known as the “Silicon Valley”, which ranks among the most dynamic, progressive and fascinating of Indian cities. It is also the nerve centre for Biotechnology, Mass Communication, Management, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Dentistry, Genetics and Information Technology. Burgeoning with technology and large manufacturing firms, it is characterized by a high rate of development, to become one of Asia’s fastest growing cities.
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
India has today emerged as a growing centre for mass media, The School’s mission is to shape the next generation professionals with the required skills and talent along with a deep sense of analysis and aesthetics.
The School of Mass Communication Studies has been established to groom and nurture fresh talent in the field of mass and new media in order to take up challenging careers in the media world, and also enabling them to pursue higher studies thereafter. In recent times while communication industries have proliferated, communication schools have hardly kept pace with the enormity and diversity of such growth. Industry experts have been complaining against the declining quality of graduates coming from universities. They say, the cubs from schools don’t know much about the world they are talking to and much lesser about the world they are talking about. Clearly, the recent proliferation of media schools hasn’t helped the cause of professional merit.
At DSU, we understand that students tend to excel in areas they are most interested in. Our search for excellence therefore begins with our programs that provide students, choice, focus and flexibility.
To meet this objective, we are digging deep into the synergies offered by our sister institutions. Valuable academic inputs are forthcoming from award-winning faculty drawn from the academia and the industry as well as from current professionals with membership on our academic bodies that govern and guide us.
Our students will have access to the university's multimedia labs. Thus, we are making sure that students joining our courses have adequate exposure to cutting edge digital technologies and opportunity to rub shoulders with the best in the media business.
Students coming out of DSU’s programs also remain rooted to the ground, with modules on India, its land, people, culture, constitution, economy, resources and history. Besides conventional modules, a module on globalization introduces students to the most famous philosophical interventions witnessed in recent times: from Noam Chomsky to Antony Giddens and from Amartya Sen to Francis Fukuyama and Manuel Castells.
But more important than all, our programs blow the first bugle for a new generation of free thinking, energetic and confident individuals who choose to guide their destiny than be packed into predetermined pigeon holes.
The School firmly believes in the blend of theoretical and in-depth practical knowledge that are required to meet the challenges in the communication world.
The Programme: Bachelor of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication) or BA(JMC)
The programme aims to place it in the pantheon of the global leaders among Mass Communication-Schools by imparting an industry oriented and a socially relevant curriculum.