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Group Overview

Energy is the life blood of modern civilization. Reaching out to the needs of almost all types of energy related industries, Aartech serves the energy sector by providing comprehensive & desirable system solutions and thus creating great value to its stakeholders. Aartech Solonics Ltd is a System Solution Oriented R&D Enterprise in the field of Specialised and Selected Energy Applications. It provides technical expertise to all its customers in expanding energy market across the globe.

Acronymed as:

AARTECH:  Always Apply Right TECHnology
SOLONICS:  Dare to go SOLO and apply all available techNICS to solve the Problem

This comprehensive acronym itself defines Aartech Solonics & thus sets us apart in our ability to make a paradigm shift in providing system solutions to energy related problems. Aartech is continuously building on its core strength to identify, research, develop and deploy new technologies with a view to provide specialised system solutions for selected challenges posed by the ever increasing demand and utilisation of energy.

Aartech Solonics Ltd. is an outstanding example of technological sophistications coupled with unmatchable human touch. In the quest to empower our people, the visionary legacy of our founders comes to us in way of Vision & Mission statement which are as follows:


“To become a leading provider of system solutions to energy related problems”.


“To be a Successful, Trans-National, System Solution Oriented R&D Enterprise in the field of Specialised and Selected Applied Energy Applications by 2012”

Shared Values

To be a multi-product, multi-technologist company.

To provide a platform for technologists to step on and contribute effectively to technology development without having to inordinately deal with business setup issues.

To be an efficiently structured, IT enabled, delegated and organized outfit.

To be optimally resourced for growth, and to use resources optimally for growth.

To maintain an ethical corporate environment both within and without.

To be a responsible corporate citizen and follow universally accepted ideals.


In the years ahead of us, we will keep exploring the unknown in our quest for excellence and to derive maximum satisfaction of our most valued stakeholders.


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