The Trade Book Azilium Hand Sanitizer

Product Information

  • PRODUCT_POSTED_ON: Feb 26, 2021
  • Views : 667
  • Category : tst
  • Description : Azilium hand and skin disinfectant, is fast, effective and best alternative to hand washing with soap and water. It’s strong formula with 79% of Isopropyl Alcohol kills 99.99% of virus, bacteria, fungi and other disease causing microbes. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal that helps reduces the risk of transferring germs from person to person while in contact & protects from infections. Keeps your skin free of germs. 1. Gentle on hands 2. Rinse free. Non sticky 3. Clean & hygienic hands 4. Prevents hand from dryness 5. Improve skin health & hygiene 6. Can use multiple times a day wherever you go out & shake hands 7. Handy & Travel Friendly pack
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