The Trade Book
The PCOD - Thyroid Book
Product Information
The TradeBook Directory- Deepak Dehariya
May 17, 2016
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Description :
Don’t blame it on the hormones.
As women, it has always been up to us to leave behind the heritage of health, just like your grandmother did for your mother and everyone in the family.
But it’s not easy to leave behind a legacy of health and harmony — we must first create that in our lives. That requires making time for ourselves, be it for exercise, to eat right, or simply to nap.
This book is about taking charge of ourselves, thanking our bodies and making peace with the fact that it’s not the hormones, it’s us. What can we do about our food, sleep, exercise and relationships that will make us feel good, help us overcome the conditions of PCOD and Hypothyroid, and most importantly get off drugs and stay off them for good.