While a pure won't be able to
OSRS gold perform much since Pking has ended, you can still make one. You can train Attack and Strengh on Dummies at Varrock when you reach the top stage. From there you can fight men, goblins and chickens. As your level gets higher and higher, you can move on to more powerful npcs. I would suggest you train your strength and attack through a series of five levels. It would be very effective to train in this manner.
5 Attack, 5 Strength, followed by 10 att, 10 strength 15 att, 15 str 20 att, 20 str, 25 att 30 str (you should be able to work more better at 25-30) 30 att, 35 str. 35 att. 45 str. 40 att. 50 str. 45 att 55 str, 50 att (if you want to stop here with attack and get an gmaul, and train str as fast as you can, go for it.)
I would suggest you get 5 attack levels after each 10 or so levels from 50+ because there is no point of being a pure player with 50 attack and 99 str since you'll never hit. You can work on your defense, range, prayer, mage, and range if you wish. Double comparitive is superior to any other. To stay on the topic, i recommend to not make a pure unless your looking for
buy RuneScape Mobile gold something to eat.