There was one dominant EU horde guild , however in the list of boss targets killed first in vanilla, it's similar to... 7 horde vs 40 alliance world-first kills. It wasn't even close for someone who was part of
WOW Classic TBC Gold a world-first-pushed guild. Obviously...great players were still able to make it on the horde team in vanilla but it was much easier for alliance, especially beforePeople in vanilla were completely ignorant of any aspect, especially until the very beginning. Are you certain that most players only made their racial preferences? This is absurd.
There was no doubt that players in actual cutting edge PvE raid guilds or PvPers who truly would like to get every advantage they could get would be able to do so, but they were around 0,1% or less of the players.
It didn't matter to anyone else. Of course, it could have looked like much more than that if actually were one of this very few people.
Simply ask yourself Which one would you imagine the typical new WoW vanilla player would choose? The sexy night elf or the ugly orc? The answer is quite obvious If you recall the place Bloodelves ended up getting involved to
buy TBC Classic Gold balance the situation.