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  • MoP... I really hate this comic-relief-cinematic.

    Posted by Weiweismart October 19, 2021 221 views - 0 comments - 0 likes - #WOW Classic TBC Gold 

    WoD. This cinematic is truly epic. The entire references throughout this film were right on time and the music in this expansion was perfect. This WOW TBC Gold wasn't the most effective expansion for the lategame, however, I still enjoy the explore the world once I'm level 50.

    Cata. Deathwing's voice was quite good. The fact that Deathwing was able to escape his realm was really nice. Some people hated the idea of him destroying the world while on his sightseeing-tour around Azeroth However, I loved the new apocalyptic take on the game. He was like part of a death metal ensemble during his free time Similar to N'Zoth and the Twisted ones. Ragnaros playing the drums

    Legion: Varian is Badass Demon-Killer? Yes, big fights on Broken Shore! What about the story? It's hard to tell anything other than that, but I really like this in this fashion. Also, Varian is always better than Andiun. I don't like this kiddo ... but I do think he's a better king than Greymane (Even there are many desicions created by Anduin was heavily influenced Greymane ...)

    BFA Cinematic: This is my most favored. This whole Alliance-Horde is already somewhat outdated and is just an example of a time when there is no major player to be defeated (Only two expansions in which they were at war were BFA and MoP. In MoP was there more war between factions than BFA)

    WotLK: Arthas, the best Lich King. What else to be said?

    TBC: Space Goats or Mana-Junkie Elves, you aren't ready? Really good and also nostalgic.

    Vanilla Vanilla film in the game. There is no need to make a big story and you can show the possibilities the game can provide. It's absolutely brilliant. Animations were also really great and cinematics was among the greatest and most impressive things Blizz had done in the past and they've mastered it with great games in the past.

    MoP... I really hate this comic-relief-cinematic. Sure, the two main characters are sucked into the mud by a fat panda ... But I don't like this approach at all, especially when you consider this whole Kung-Fu-Panda-moviecrap that got in same time really big ... I hated the movie earlier in its time and the similarity to the cinematic style of MoP have made me hate the film's cinematic style as well. It was well-made, however. However ... the pandas are a major reason I don't really liked the expansion. Chen was the sole known Pandaren in Warcraft prior to MoP. However, Chen was only one of the characters from cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold an optional campaign included in the Warcraft expansion.