These sizes are Asian sizes. The basic rule for these sizes is that Asian sizes are one size smaller than Indian sizes.
So if you wear S size Indian , buy M size, If you wear Indian M size, buy L size here. If you wear Indian L size, buy XL here.
In shoes and Sandals, apply the same rule. All sizes are Asian sizes.If you wear Indian Size 36, buy Asian size 37 and likewise.
All items are brand new. They are shipped directly from our Hong Kong Warehouse by Express shipping.Items are dispatched
within 48 hours from our warehouse. Due to custom clearance formalities, the delivery time is 8-12 business days. Please do not buy if it is urgent to you. Items show as shipped in Ebay panel only after it comes out of Customs.Sometimes, we deliver even faster than that and sometimes delay of 1-2 days is possible. For North East region and rural parts, delivery time is more. The price shown here is the final price inclusive of all taxes.Please bear in mind the shipping policy and calculate the delivery dates accordingly . Ebay may show wrong expected delivery date and as such we advice you to calculate it by your own. We can not expedite the process as custom clearance is not in our hands
We are dedicated to providing the best, Value and Service to meet our customers’ needs.
Our goal is to create grounds where fashion lovers, from all over the world, can cultivate personal style and express creativity.We are India's largest online store in terms of variety. Our prices are most competitive and our styles are latest. This start up, created by IITians, is set to break all rules of fashion and all boundaries of nations.
We draw style inspiration from edgy contemporary chicness, timeless vintage class, and daily street styles. We believe that fashion should be affordable for the modern budget babe. Fashion is a right, not a luxury