The Trade Book
The chest is aloof east on a babyish cliff
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Dec 05, 2023
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Heart of the Indrik
Southeast of the Cey-Tarn Keep, the chest can be actuate at the end of the river on a babyish application of acreage hidden amid the rocks.
Silver-Tongued Quill
This is actuate on the Alinor Docks, at the end of the easternmost dock.
The Unraveling Wand
The chest is hidden anon below the arch on the eastern ancillary of Rellenthil.
Skull of Accessory Cursing
The chest is actuate on a cliffside ledge northeast of Rellenthil.
Shadowcutter Blade
East of the Ald Mora Ruins, the chest is on the eastern ancillary of the babyish waterfall. This ceremony causes the amateur to bolt on fire, which may be baleful to Vampires if not careful.
Soulkeeper's Urn
Just abaft Tanamir's Manor in Russafeld, the chest is actuate on a adjacent hill.
Chest of Condemnation
Northeast of Ebon Stadmont, the chest is actuate on a ledge abreast the west coffer of the stream. The chest will be below a babyish archway.
Never-Ending Scroll
Southwest of the Illumination Academy, the chest will be at the east end of the bridge, hidden below a abounding tree.
Inescapable Helm
At Corgrad Wastes, south of the centermost house.
Sticky-Fingered Lute
At the Queen's Hatchery, the chest is aloof east on a babyish cliff.
Fan of the False-Face
Northwest of Gryphon Run, the chest is below a timberline aloof off of a beach.
Pillow of Sweet Dreams
The chest is southeast of Gryphon Aerie, abutting to a abounding boulder.
Mirror of Fatal Premonition
South of Direnni Acropolis, the chest is hidden abaft the architectonics at the end of the levee.
Monochrome Paintbrush
Just alfresco the south of Shimmerene, the chest is on the coffer below the wall.
Hourglass of Perceived Time
Northwest of the Sil-Var-Woad Wayshrine, the chest is abatement on the eastside of the road. If you want to buy MMoexp Elder Scrolls Online Gold please visit .
- Jaunt of the Jilted
East of the Abyssal Geyser Sil-Var-Woad, the chest is on a coffer below a tree.
Ever-Filling Chalice
North of Alaxon'ald, the chest is aloft the alley in the aback of the gryphon's den.
Chestplate of Desiccation
South of Sunhold, the chest is amid on the coffer abutting to a cliffside and a tower.
Shattering Sword
South of the Accrue of the Elven Forces, the chest is hidden abaft a bedrock abreast a tree.
The Elder Scrolls Online is attainable on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Alternation X/S.
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