The Trade Book RuneScape developer Jagex has launched a month-long

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  • RuneScape developer Jagex has launched a month-long acclimation that allows players to accord their in-game gold to acquire it adapted into real-life bill to OSRS gold be accustomed to charities.

    The Able-bodied of Goodwill accepts RuneScape items, gold, and bonds, and Jagex will accord $1 for every 10 amateur gold pieces donated in November.

    At the time of writing, 98,978,036,994 bill acquire been donated, which equates to $9,897. Jagex has a real-time tracker for the alms drive.

    The charities accepting the funds lath GamesAid, Willow, SpecialEffect, Activity for Kids, and the Internet Watch Foundation.

    "With the Able-bodied of Goodwill, we acquire we acquire created a absolute acclimation to acquiesce our players to abutment aces charities through their in-game efforts afterwards affecting their own real-world pockets," said Jagex COO Riaan Hodgson.

    A association FAQ for the Able-bodied of Goodwill additionally says that the alms drive will act as a money bore to advice fix the game's basal economy. "A added annual of abacus the Able-bodied of Goodwill is that it will additionally act as a massive gold bore for the game: commodity we promised with the barrage of Bonds that's still needed buy RS gold, which will acquire a huge appulse on convalescent the game's economy," says Jagex.