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  • The 2014 game from Blizzard Hearthstone includes a brand new honor system that is fully embracing its Horde as well as Alliance rivalry of World of Warcraft. The content of Hearthstone is derived from the legends from Warcraft as well as World of Warcraft, with the prior Hearthstone expansion took players to the Alliance Capital Stormwind. The latest expansion called Fractured within Alterac Valley is due out on the 7th of December and pays homage the one WoTLK Gold most storied Horde battlegrounds. Alliance battlegrounds.

    Alterac Valley Battleground Alterac Valley battleground was released in WoW in June 2005, in patch 1.5.0. The battleground is located within the Alterac Mountains, which lie between the Horde outpost of Mor'Shan Rampart and the Alliance's Silverwing Outpost in Ashenvale. In Alterac the Horde is headed by general Drek'Thar from the Frostwolf clan, while the Alliance is led by the General Vanndar Stormpike of the Stormpike guard. Both Vanndar and Drek'Thar are brand new legendary cards that will be available within the Hearthstone expansion.

    Following the launch of Hearthstone's brand new Mercenaries game mode Blizzard is now adding an entirely new Honor feature to Hearthstone. When players launch the next time into Hearthstone, they will be required to decide if they want to be Horde or Alliance as they do when WoW players have to make that choice when creating their first character. After the decision is made the player will be awarded an rank called Private, if they're Alliance or Scout when they are Horde. The players can advance in the ranks by earning honor points which are awarded after the conclusion of games in games in the Standard, Arena, and Duels game modes. If a player plays against a player from the opposing side and wins, they earn double the honor points if they prevail in the match.

    If a player swears loyalty to their Faction, they will receive the golden legendary card of the legendary card of their Faction, either Vanndar or Drek'Thar. The players won't have to fret about not having any of the cards, since they'll also receive an epic quest chain to complete throughout the course of the expansion. Every time a player improves their honor level and earns an upgraded version of a rare card from the latest expansion. These cards are identical for all players, regardless of the which faction they belong to. When a player has reached the highest honor level and is awarded the legendary golden minion. The ability to earn cards in this manner is yet another step Hearthstone is taking to become more accessible to new players.

    The benefits don't end there however; on January 11. Blizzard will announce the winning faction that has the highest amount of Honor points from the players who took part in the contest. Everyone, regardless of what faction they choose will receive an upgraded version in diamonds of the leader card of the winning faction. The players can continue to earn honor points following the expansion is launched, meaning they will still be eligible for free cards by advancing their level.

    Fractured in Alterac Valley is one of Hearthstone's most intriguing expansions and many players appreciate the extent to which the new content is based on its original World of Warcraft source material. The inclusion to the honor system also remarkable and provides players with an enjoyable experience while playing. However, honor can't currently be earned while playing Hearthstone's renowned Battlegrounds mode, or the WOW WoTLK Classic Gold new Mercenaries mode. The expansions to come could bring back the honor system as well as keeping the competition among the Horde as well as the Alliance active in Hearthstone can help bring new players into the game.