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  • CLASSIFIED_POSTED_ON: Jul 20, 2022
  • Views : 333
  • Category : Leisure » Sports
  • Description : Buy WoTLK Gold for sale at legit online store,with great service, 100% secure and fast.


  • Magister's Terrace is an integral component of Blood Elf and World of Warcraft lore, and the player's attack on this stronghold marks the final victory of the former Blood Elf leader, Kael'thas Sunstrider. Everyone will confront this legendary character as The fourth, and last boss of this dungeon with WOW WoTLK Classic Gold.

    The Dawning Square

    While the Shattered Sun Offensive progresses west and south the players will be able to regain more of Sun's Reach with the player's assistance, and the Dawning Square becomes accessible. It seems like a harmless public park, which it could be , if not for evil invaders and the mysterious portal they're guarding.

    There's a quest to pass through this portal with an exclusive scroll, and players are advised to ensure they have this scroll in their pockets. Otherwise, they'll fight their way through the portal only to find that they're unable to get through it. When they finally do they'll be able complete the easy quest by making sure NPC Magistrix Seyla is secure and sound as well as offering a couple of daily quests that players can do through Hellfire Penninsula.

    Sun's Reach Armory

    If these areas could be voted upon by players, and ranked in that order for the sun's Reach Armory would be first on the list. The reason being is that this is where the retailers of the new shiny items will be located after Shattered Sun Offensive enters Phase 3. Shattered Sun Offensive moves into Phase 3.

    A handy and helpful smith who's name is Hauthaa and is actually situated just outside the building, trades equipment to earn Honor Badges and is one of the most well-known NPCs in this patch. Players can find the other exotic gear vendors on the second floor, and they offer their goods in exchange in exchange for various loot tokens.

    The Sunwell Plateau

    This isn't only the location of the fabled Sunwell however, it is also where players will find the new 25-player raid. Its power Sunwell is the primary reason for the whole thing in the first location. An army of demons and other evil forces under command of Kil'jaeden. He is the final boss who is waiting to be defeated at the end of the raid, are attempting to control the Sunwell and harness its magical power. The Shattered Sun Offensive is the uniting front to block them with buy WoTLK Classic Gold.

    Like the 25-player raids found in Outland and Outland, there is no quest line or attunement are required. If you're brave and skilled enough to take on Kil'jaeden, a cinematic awaits that reveals the ultimate fate that awaits the Sunwell.