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It is said that the Morai Ruins is a dungeon within Lost Ark
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Mar 30, 2022
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Since you need to be Lost Ark Gold at Level 50 to make use of the majority of Lost Ark's character-building materials make sure you look over our guide for climbing up the ranks quickly within Lost Ark to assist you in getting there as fast as you can. The Deathblade can be best played on an appropriate roster of characters, so take a look through our Lost Ark class tier listing to aid you in choose the right set of characters that she can make use of.
It is said that the Morai Ruins is a dungeon within Lost Ark that players will be able to explore during the game's main story quest. The dungeon has deadly enemies to defeat, and fans will encounter many Mokoko Seeds as they fight to the end. There eleven Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark's Morai Ruins dungeon, and this guide provides all details on exactly where to find the Mokoko Seeds.
To note, many mokoko Seeds within Lost Ark Gold for sale this Lost Ark dungeon are not along the path illustrated on the game's map and those seeking to get all of the Seeds will need to venture into the dark areas many times. The lines in the map shown in this guide point out the routes that players must traverse to get through those dark areas as well as the circles that mark the locations of mokoko seeds. Mokoko Seeds they themselves. Hopefully, these designations will make it easy to determine exactly how the Seeds should be approached.