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  • At 5th level Hunter skill , players are granted access to RuneScape gold traps for birdhouses. This method is unique from other techniques because it can be used only every 20 to 50 minutes depending on the type of birdhouse that you are willing to make use of. Each run should take around 2 minutes.

    Building bird houses requires smithing at level 8 to process steel bars to clockworks at the crafting table 2 in a houses owned by players. Though they may be purchased from the GE they aren't sold too often. Hop Seeds that are another required item that can be purchased with a few gold coins. When the run is finished, collected birdhouses bring feathers and nests with them. Because nests of birds are one of the easier ways of getting clue scrolls, they can be sell on GE for a substantial profit.

    To be able to use this method, players need to complete Bone Voyage quest which requires 100 kudos in the Varrock museum, among other things. In the event that we discover these methods to be the most effective or efficient, you may need to move locations from time to time to not get burned out in boredom.

    Buy a noose wand in any hunter store or get one through Grand Exchange. Find the snowy region north east near Rellekka. In this area, there are burrows that belong of Polar Kebbits. In order to begin searching, enter through the burrows and follow the tracks to locate an additional Kebbit hiding area. After you find a snow drift , you'll be able attack it with noose wand and snare Kebbit.

    Purchase bird snares at the Grand Exchange or at a hunter shop in Yanille and walk to the beaches located to the east of Feldip Hunter Area. You can find Crimson Swifts there. Install a trap, and begin taking them to gain experience, it will take around 40 to RuneScape Membership get to the 11th level.