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Which barrow should I purchase torags
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Jan 21, 2022
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- Which barrow should I purchase torags or guthans? Both are reasonably priced for me. In addition, since I'm looking for the barrows set, should i not be OSRS gold working on a fighter torso? Also , what should i do with my dragon platelegs and rune platebody?
If you're interested in a Barrows set, I would recommend Veracs. The skirt and helm provide the best defense for their particular positions (of the armours for the barrows) and the brassard is a little weaker than Torag's, Guthan's and Dharok's plates. The brassard, however, Verac's offers a great prayer benefit (unlike other armours used by barrows) and is an exceptional set.
In the meantime, I'm assuming it's your turn to have Dragon Legs and you're aiming towards a torso for fighting, so what I'd recommend for you to do is keep them as your primary armor, but bring Guthan's set to make use of its special attack as a healing mechanism.
Your main armour set is non-degradable and also offensively friendly (torso gives strength bonuses, unlike barrows). Keep in mind that apart from Verac's and Dharok's in certain situations, all other Barrows Sets (including weapons) are useless.
So , the three best options I'd suggest to you the skirt of Verac, or Dragon Legs together with Fighter torso, and Abyssal whip/Dragon Defender (you may also get a Guthan's set that heals you along with this). Torag's Legs and Plate and Whip as well as Defender. This is a great defense, but for the majority of scenarios it's almost redundant since you don't receive a lot of hits anyways. The Verac's Brassard and Skirt along with whip. The complete set can be used to perform certain tasks such as Kalphite queen and barrows as well as PvP.
It's all about a collective effort. You may be a good keyer, but without a competent team, it's not worth anything. You could be buy RS gold able to do 5:5 with at least 2-3 good people including yourself. This could be someone who has angry quit or who is being lazy or not doing much.