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To be fair, Thrall should have won without
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To be fair, Thrall should have won without WOW Classic TBC Gold magic because he was the superior fighter. But there could have been instant calls from the WoW fandom that claimed this was just a Mary Sue.
His record is poor. A majority of the fights ended in defeat or were not won with a fair amount of effort. Thrall is believed to have held back in the duel they had in WotLK. In the Mag'gora, there was a fight with Cairne and was holding the poisoned knife. Varian kicked his shins.
Actually, Taran Zhu was the only notable character he defeated in a fair fight and the fight was extremely close.
He won the final battle with Thrall. He lost his fight with Varian as well as his duel with Cairne. The first fight was a loss, which was cut short, and he took the second battle unfairly.
They fought three times, and each time , they were stopped. Varian wins the battle in Wolfheart due to his unlimitable stamina and is blessed with Lo'Gash. They're equally matched when they meet during the tides of War.
He was a Mary Sue from the beginning. He was a superior warrior than Orgrim Doomhammer. He was also an adept in the spiritual arts.
Garrosh wasn't part of Cataclysms ' conflicts. He was the leader of the advance to the Twilight Highlands, beating a dragon as he went. I remember when theories were spinning around during MoP that our Garrosh was a fraud who was brought to power by the twilight Hammer, despite the fact that he was missing.
I've always found it irritating because they forget that Thrall was an athletic prodigy right from the beginning. Yet, I am a fan of his bitching shaman nature. His manner of speaking hasn't been exactly character-based since WotLK.
I agree. It's a problem in Garrosh's portrayal as character. char. Garrosh is described as an exceptional warrior, however in novels like the shattering , all you can say is that his father was aswell. However, this is not revealed. If it weren't for the cheating, he might be beaten by Cairne. Let's face it, Thrall could have taken out Cairne at that time. Garrosh is a great warrior. However, given your argument, how much better could he be? It's not as good as Jesus the green
His training and upbringing. When we get to this point, Thrall hasn't seen actual real combat for a long time - possibly a decade or more. He was the leader of the rebellion against prison camps, he founded the modern Horde, and then slipped into a leadership position which was later changed to more of a shamanistic, primarily shamanistic job. He certainly has muscles that are extremely strong, and probably got regular sparring sessions sometimes went on an excursion with the PC But if you aren't able to buy WOW TBC Gold stay away from any activity and you'll take a beating. I'm sure he's competent, but probably not enough to fight the best warriors.