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Although classic was well-known for
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Sep 19, 2021
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Although classic was well-known for its ability to WOW TBC Gold min-max years of pserver knowledge and the best theorycrafters of all, Sims taught us that a lot of the "bis gearing options" were based on how long your guild's meetings were and the precise times. Think of trinketswaps and threats vs mit. Fire/frost resistance is another instance. furthermore, many of the junk skips and encounters of Naxx were enhanced by special items like smokey's lighter, major recombobulator and ramstein's bolt, an nifty stopwatch with a gnomish cloaking device and the electromagnetic gigaflux reactivator.
These are some seriously uninformed rose-colored glasses. Each of the niche items that you have listed has its place. That doesn't mean you need to make a design choice to wear level 40 BoE gloves to be BiS.
The idea of putting every warrior in leather when they wish to deal competitive damage is also not good "item design". It's evident that Blizzard recognized that as they had a slight change when they launched AQ as well as Naxx.
This is the reason I dislike transmogs. If everyone has a coordinating fashion statement in place the game loses its charm. It's a blast to walk by Tauren Druids in full mooncloth. It's funny but you know that Mfer is a sexy babe.
Standardizing the allocation of stats (partly due to improved designing classes and understanding what characters really want) has ruined the power of design for stats to produce memorable items. The most memorable things talked about nowadays include items that aren't budgeted. These include procs and other ability to use, high budget exceptions (War Glaives) and honorable mentions to weapon speeds that let them create items that are objectively more worth a purchase than others without the need to budget for them.
Half of the classes in vanilla didn't want their equipment of the tier because it was poorly itemized or it wasn't compatible with their specs (feral druid, dps warrior and so on). However, everything in vanilla is at least adequate, or perhaps even bis. Overall, I believe there's more waiting for decent gear to be equipped.
For example in mc there are about 5 upgrades to the feral tank, and some were very sought after (accuria the agi cloak off rag). Tier gear was ineffective other aside from a few pieces that were useful for a fire resistant tank set. Other cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold items, like the large dark iron ring that was heavy and the fireguard shoulders, were also eliminated. It wasn't very exciting.