The Trade Book Now, the clans have control of the supply

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  • CLASSIFIED_POSTED_ON: Sep 08, 2021
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  • Now, the clans have control of the RS gold supply. We need to manage the market to stop their tactics. Prices won't alter if we manage to manage the demand for products.

    To stop their methods of manipulating prices, we need to establish a variety of anti-price manipulation organizations. We will monitor the market regularly to find items they use. We will then plan as much of a boycott and protest as we can to reduce the influence they have on the market. They'll eventually stop manipulating prices as many of their members earn less.

    If you're already price manipulating, please take note of this: "This is going to lower the amount of money I earn! " This is indeed the case. However, the ratios between the cost of items purchased and the amount you earn will be relatively steady. Because you can get lower-cost items, you don't need to spend excessive amounts of money to to afford the items you desire. This lets the market flow freely, and many people can participate in it. While an economy with 100 wealthy people will eventually die, one with 10,000 different players will continue.

    How does this help bring back the previous economy? The previous economy was a time when most skills had the ability to make a form of income regardless of the materials that were purchased. We can use the same boycott strategy I discussed earlier to bring down prices so that high-skilled workers who have put in the effort to achieve the levels of these workers will be able to earn more than someone who's been woodcutting for 4 days.

    I am aware that this is an overwhelming amount to absorb and comprehend, but I am certain that it will work. The past repeats itself, and not just in our universe, but it can also happen in a parallel universe where most of us spent at least a few years. It's also beneficial that there is no trade fluctuation. (Jagex tends to make reckless decisions when in danger. For instance, in the wild.)

    While I am grateful for your inquiries however, they are not always answered promptly. But, I will respond to them. I thank you for your time and encourage you to share the message regarding price manipulations and create unions. I'm not able to be on the field for more than 30 seconds nowadays, so I won’t be able lead the fight. But, I would like to share this information with you all.

    A while back, a thread was cheap OSRS gold created. It was called "Skill Capes, Are They destroying Runescape?" The thread was about weather capes that are more and more controversial in Runescape.