The Trade Book
The player you choose
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Apr 10, 2021
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- The player you choose it on get's +5% assault and strenght. Drains prayer. Stacks with Ultimate Strenght, Incredible Reflexe, Chivalry, Piety and RS gold so on. Any acction of whoever casts it rips this"spell". Bargains A to B harm, reducing it is attack by 10%. Dosen't pile with Confuse type charms. Deal's 25 percent more damage when used on undeads, but the attack punishment remains the same (-10%)
Deal's more damage than DAZZLE, since it does not have any special skill. Do not tell me it should be in"Suggest an item and skill". It is a qeust Going to be. You need to steal a key thing. (An Imp Stone Of Teleportation) Than something more. You input a stadium... (many obstacles, stairs, maze) Finaly into the wizard. . Who is really unhappy of resisting the stone. He telegrabs it out of you. . and then. . It's not funny. Not completed, as I said. It's just a lengthy preview.
Lets begin with a brief narrative:'Once there was someone known as'cbhater315'*. He had been a skiller with lvl 3 battle. He had two skills at lvl 99 and also his lowest non-combat skill was lvl 52. This lvl 52 watched his battle lvl (3) and laughed. He cried into our poor hero. However, our hero traded the noob and showed his 3 mill. . 'cbhater315 was really miserable and began to train combat only because he did not wanted to cheap OSRS gold become a noob. The End I shifted the narrative sometimes due to individuals who didn't liked that I played that noob.