The Trade Book I am going to be a member shortly

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  • I left this for me, so this will not match to many others. unsure. In addition, I think you should add summoning in there and 70+ shield, this will give the RuneScape gold account the ability to most likely kill thing's faster and this being a Tank and all. Stat's because of (from what I presume ) Summoning (almost any level or none whatsoever ). Sorry if you've got no clue what I am speaking about.Question's -I want more like suggestions on how I could add or take off things for the tank and also a wonderful name because I don't believe the name: Magic dart tank is the best every account type name. (notice this isn't a participant name it's a name for the account type).

    As for a title for the Pure. . .hmmm... Slayer Dart, Dart Pure, Slayer Tank, Summoning Slayer, etc, etc, sorry couln't really think of any. In terms of Def, tbh, I think 1 Def Pures are the very best, the combat lvls you avoid from Def greatly assists in Pvp, or any general area tbh. Otherwise 1, then 25 for some Infinity Robes, but 1 are my first option. For Summoning, it is only a waste of money on any account, they don't help that much in conflicts and when they are able to, you've blown mils onto it. I have a GS Pure (In Progress) add her"k0_rang4" I'd be glad to assist you, train with you, anything you need:3. I know you didn't ask, but I simply couldn't help thinking of titles for the account, you don'e got me enthused about another Pure. I love the idea, and if you make it, then please PM me ingame, I wish you the very best of luck!

    So I will definitely be re-gaining my own membership. First off I am combat based and adore fighting. When I was a part I coached soley through slayer and am now getting 70 defence to have the ability to wear Guthans. I've got a net worth of around 19.3 mil with 19 mil of it being pure money. I would rather not waste this on un-needed skills (fletching, cooking) but place it towards good use (I plan on becoming mage to 70 via alch and prayer to around 60-65).I'm going to be moving to members soon, and I was wondering if this would be a good set. I have raised my skills because I was a member initially, so my original set won't work here. In addition, I do not have loads of cash, so I am trying to get something which's pretty good, without spending millions of dollars. Edited the original listing. Here is what it's now: Helm of neitiznot, Torag's Platebody, Torag's Platelegs, Dragon Scimitar & Abby Whip, Combat Bracelet, Dragon Boots, Obsidian Cape, Toktz-ket-xil & Rune Def, Total Price = 3.1m.

    I am going to be a member shortly, and I wish to receive my rc around 92 so I can do double nats for cash. Secondly, the banker needs you to give him 20 of any one rune so as to use the bank. When I manage my runes, will it gives me different kinds, or can it provide me all of the same rune? (If I've 28 ess, will it provide me 28 atmosphere runes, or 5 nats, two bodies, 12 airs, etc.) Thirdly, my stats are in sig below. Do you believe that I will be able to take the brief path without needing much trouble? And what should I wear that is light and will give me decent protection at the exact same moment?

    Dip the V top, it has about if not the same def as a rune plate. Anytime you're going to be praying use prosylete, and when you will need def use torags/guthans/dharok top-these have same def. Defiantly get whip, and buy RS gold rune defender is far better than protect if you don't need the range defense. Work on recipe for tragedy, the gloves because it are awesome.