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EA doesn't care about people who aren't investors.
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Jan 03, 2021
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EA doesn't care about people who aren't investors. Eliminating Kaepernick's name out of tunes in Madden 2 years in a row reveals it. Companies do not want one to defend themlet their lawyers do this work. EDIT: Let me be clear. I am all for calling a spade a spade and being happy after I'm surprised by something like this. But we shouldn't praise a company for Madden nfl 21 coins reaching the absolute bare minimum. We should praise firms who reveal patterns of pleasure. Feel free to disagree, but don't behave like this exact instance is this incredibly complicated morally-grey circumstance. I mean I thought there were fairly strict regulations on whose names and likeliness may be used in Madden. Just like Belicheck and Payton aren't in Madden because they aren't a part of the NFLCA and that's who EA has a contract with. They might need to cover Kap if his title is used and are probably avoiding that. That and Kap is not just welcome in the NFL planet (not speaking about fans) anymore.
They backpeddled and apologized if they have been called out. They don't have rights to Kap's likeness in the game but they could cite him in the song (just as they have plenty of other public figures in different tunes ). The fact that they did this two years in a row indicates it wasn't an innocent oversight but a genuine choice to collaborate using a fundamentally racist act of collusion within the NFL. I am not defending a company. I am not saying EA is some bastion of justice. Many people in general (not merely reddit) can not see beyond black and white. That is why negativity floats to the top in most societal media. This is a major element. Youtube for one has done studies, because it is a massive portion of their company and they would like to understand it. There has been testimony to congress about it that I've watched but can't find at this time. What they need is engagement and the more negatively framed something is the more folks will click it as it comes up in your own recommendations.
Companies don't want one to defend themlet their attorneys do that work. "Companies do not need you to defend them", but somehow attacking companies when they're doing the right thing is essential and productive?It does not matter whether it's for PR reasons, they're still raising awareness for this problem and hurting nobody by doing this process. Meanwhile the men and women who see this as an opportunity to attack are only perpetuating a negative feeling of constant whining. It's not so much about"protecting businesses" but about attacking this naturally negativity. So you're really only adding to the man's argument by doing exactly what he described. They're not doing anything however. They just released a statement full of empty rhetoric. You understand what doing something is? Not creating another Madden game since the NFL punished players enjoy Kaepernick for taking a knee. That would be remarkable. But we are all aware that's not what's going to happen.
The simple fact that people here are really behaving like this can be a meaningful gesture is indeed fucking baffling. EA literally moved out of its way to scrub his title out of their matches two decades right, but this thread is making it seem like they've contributed millions. It's pure fucking insanity. It is the definition of slacktivism. It would be more honest if they had said nothing at all. Rather, they're gonna push out a bullshit PR announcement about how they stand together with the black neighborhood and then in a couple months turn around and sell a product containing an organization that has a history of stifling and punishing black voices. I never said"Let's strike a company for doing the ideal thing." It is possible to remain optimistic of things looking up, which I frequently am. If your friend hurts your feelings, then they have to regain your trust. You do not thank them every time from then on whenever they are being nice.
Wait, why don't you? If a friend of mine hurt me and then made an effort to be fine I would absolutely need to tell them I appreciate their efforts. It assists people behave better, who is to say it can not create a corporation behave better also? If EA returned no advantages from"doing the bare minimum of human decency" then they would not do even the bare minimum. It's well worth rewarding them for this just like it's well worth rewarding a problem kid for doing their best to get a day. Benefits come from good behavior, you shouldn't be on good behavior for those benefits. After I visit EA donate to the causes or implement efforts to help out black developers or items of that sort, then I will praise them. We just should demand a high standard and quit permitting companies off the hook easily. I'm of the mindset that cheap Mut 21 coins offset culture is largely poor and individuals should be invited to alter and improve. But we should not allow ourselves to be played by companies that are, at the end of the afternoon, trying to eliminate all obstacles in the way of getting our money. I have been burnt by false promises a lot of times.