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It is not even just Franchise mode
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Aug 01, 2020
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Not completely sure but there is still a a gaming facet to it, although I believe physical card packs could make them collectibles. I really think if they incorporated physical football collectibles or another card manufacturer that could legitimize it somewhat. I'm not entirely sure how all that works, I understand in UT it's really just individuals that would like to pay for that excess edge to win games on the internet and EA preys on this desire.
I work in the IT sector and should I step back and look at some of the products we support I will inform you that's exactly how it is. Our company lays out the resources to jobs where the product is the most revenue generating, irrespective of whether that product is sensible to management or is something that they believe strongly in service of. Employee assistance programs are resources for people because they don't generate revenue and resources sink into those products. I'm sure the approach is like EA and that I can not say I blame them even if I think it's ultimately in bad taste and bad for their fan base to rope people into gaming cycles. However, I think squads was fun AF and I thoroughly love blackjack. As far as I disagree I'm as much part of the issue as anyone else. Playing on humanity's shortcomings is quite rewarding.
They do have. One of my old directors worked for EA Sports, especially on Madden. He explained that bugs have been written by a lot of the QA testers and sent them to the programmers. On the other hand, the devs normally tell them it won't be fixed by them or they'll fix it in the next Madden. I believe that they hear but they purposely leave things broken. Those modes need to be just good enough to maneuver and to rope gamers in but they do not want you playing these modes extended term. The objective is get you in the door to enjoying UT as far as soon as you can, and get you. They can not make extra money off you and 31 of an online franchise enjoying the fuck out of your friends. Plain and simple.
Right! It is not even just Franchise mode. Madden is perhaps the laziest video game franchise of all time. I stopped buying it in 2016 and I bought 2020 on reduction like a month. I swear that there is is not a noticeable margin of difference in the products. Considering that many video games have more invested cloud solutions, how can it be Franchise mode is like a little rejected aspect. They should easily be able to carry your Coach, GM Character over from year to year. Year I should not have to restart my franchise ever. I would like to play into the future together with the rosters I've built.
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