The Trade Book
Smithing rework will be
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Jan 07, 2020
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A fletching/crafting version of the mining and smithing rework will be awesome.Throw at a brand new high ending solo boss which scales like telos (so everybody else can do it but you will need ability to keep going). More quests, such as the series as well as bottle quests.
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- Really listen to RuneScape gold runescape players. Poll everything such as OSRS (75% threshold if something is negatively impacted, 50 percent if not). Why give 1 person/team creative freedom (not that the devs have that) when you can listen to the entire community.But before any runescape participant tips, questionnaire the elimination of MTX. Along with also the deletion of rock spirits.Sounds like shit. Cause then you overlook new skills being added t shed their max Cape. So fuck polling. This community is wrong a l l the time and I personally dont trust them to police content.
For a skill and most will vote depending on whether they think its great, its been demonstrated a vast majority of people could vote. Despite having hardly any information about it, people appear to desire Archeology. But theres a great reason to not bring a new ability. Imagine people's reaction to a design doc for Divination. We thats it till 99 and click on a few balls of energy? Would have failed spectacularly. How they were able to make a skill that is glistening and released have less thickness than Woodcutting is beyond me.
Devs do whatever management informs them is far worse than letting runescape players who care about runescape have the last say. Just imagine SoF, TH, etc had to be polled to make it in to runescape. Polling has worked out well in OS. The principal problems are people have a tendency to lean towards access (not sufficient to change poll results but I think this would be worse for RS3) and people no matter voting against what to make with gold in old school runescape PvP upgrades cuz they dropped their spade.