The Trade Book Bots dont keep Runescape alive theyre killing it

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  • CLASSIFIED_POSTED_BY: Megaomgchen Megaomgchen
  • CLASSIFIED_POSTED_ON: Oct 29, 2019
  • Views : 735
  • Category : Books & Magazines
  • Description : Bots dont keep Runescape RS gold alive theyre killing it. Jagex profits from STORE BOUGHT BONDS. Not bonds purchased in game, which is what they buy. Bots purchase bonds via gp (that additional players bought for real cash ), if they would stop purchasing bonds the price goes down and things would go up significance real players would require more bonds to buy stuff. They dont profit from them at all. It was really bad back in the day also , back when living rock caverns were around, Like 5 of the top webpage slots around the mining hiscores were bots mining gold/coal there, and I have absolutely no idea just how many of the rocktail fishers were up there too just because of how many of them that stood on precisely the exact same square.Honestly I could not care less about the robots trying to generate income. But whats frustrating is they're everywhere and individuals who actually wish to play Runescape, such as wanting to train their woodcutting/mining degree etc. can not do so because they are in each and every world. And theres no way for us ordinary players to find a higher level for particular stats due to these bots. Either you are 12 year old who've read some botting content how its good and retains games thing costs in order and always available. BUT individuals that are on the lookout for cheaper choice for ingame monies, other games aswell compared to runescape, they go net and google gold sellers, THIS activity takes profit from jagexes hands. If they banned robots, alot of ingame item prices would go considerably greater and jagex would gain more, because no golden sellers signifies more bonds bought through their very own store.Please keep all of your shit to yourself since u lack to understand basic logical thinking. Agree with what you said except that those ex/jagex workers need to help jagex survive. Jagex is possessed by a business which has something like 120 employees and 80M bucks, not certain if these are the specific numbers but it's something ridiculous like this, I'm not sure jagex struggles with cash. That having been said, it's quite hipocrytical by jagex to forget gp farmers but prohibit regular players that are just training battle stats in experiments/sand crabs.Also another point. Jagex is a company.a big company. If they bann all bots the ceo and bankers would panic because that would be viewed as stunted growth that might never come back. How hard can it be for people to understand that bonds have been bought with real money afterward sold in game for gp... Bots buying bonds with in game money means that they are developing a demand, rich kids are unintentionally supplying that demand when they buy bonds with real money and offer them on the ge to get gp, where the robots purchase the bonds.Jagex is not falling, if Jagex eliminates the bots they will lead to a downward trend in their game. RS3 before EOC had a bot nuke that removed 98% of those bots (not gont lie back then I had two bot accounts heading to sustain my primary but my two accounts werent banned since I decided to air on the side of warning (this movement was rumored back then on this specific date) And you know what, their playerbase went from high to low in a matter of hours, it eventuelly regained ofcourse but because the botters found distinct manners, wether you like it or not, botters are essential on the RS and the OSRS market. Wan na go back to 1k per law? Or 1k each shark? More OSRS gold information on