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The WoW blog details all of these features
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Feb 17, 2023
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- There's only a little over an entire month left before the release of WoTLK Gold forthcoming expansion, Battle for Azeroth. We've played the game, seen Collector's Editions, and so on and now it's time for some nitty-gritty details on PvP , as well as the other new additions coming in the expansion.
We first saw Battle for Azeroth teased in November of the previous year. The world has been plunged into a war between the Alliance and Horde as well as we are aware that the expansion will bring many new continents, and raise the level cap to 120. However, not everything is being refreshed. PvP talents are seeing some adjustments, and there's three new options to sink your teeth to: War Mode, bounties as well as The Dueler's Guild.
New WoW Battle for Azeroth Expansion's PvP mode, War Mode, Bounties More Details - GS News Update
The WoW blog details all of these features. This time, PvP talents might be quite different from what you're used to. In Legion The game, talent is earned through PvP play and earning honor level points. This can make newcomers less competitive. In Battle for Azeroth, talents will be available as you attain level. Instead of rows to pick from, you'll have different groups of talents to pick from. Once you've reached level buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold you'll have all the talents there to pick from.