The Trade Book
Bananas is a boy born on an island
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Dec 16, 2022
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- If funding exceeds $500.000 every WoTLK Gold player will get a brand-new monkey pet named Bananas for use to play World of Warcraft , regardless of whether you've personally donated money to this campaign. Should the amount of funding reach $1 million, every WoW participant will get a pet sloth named Daisy. You can see both pets in the picture below; use the slider to quickly view each.
Blizzard also published the descriptions of Bananas and Daisy and Daisy, which are delightful. You can read those descriptions below, and the complete details of how to contribute can be found at the end at the bottom of this webpage. Blizzard created the descriptions of these segments, and they were published in a blog post.
Bananas is a boy born on an island just off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale, little Bananas is a child of King Mukla who is a fierce head of the Skymane Gorillas. Happily, Bananas disappeared from the tree and his charming personality makes him a perfect traveling companion who will lighten your days on Azeroth and beyond.
Daisy born on an island located off the coast of buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold Vale, little Bananas is a child of King Mukla who is a strong and powerful leader for Skymane Gorillas. Lucky for us, Bananas did not fall from the tree. His gentle disposition makes him a perfect travel companion that will brighten your day on Azeroth and beyond.