The Trade Book
This is an effective training camp
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May 11, 2022
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- Like your characters, strongholds are also able to have a level that they share. You earn stronghold XP by obviously, making use of Lost Ark Gold your stronghold. Making, researching, and taking crew members on trips will all award stronghold XP. One of the most effective ways to upgrade your stronghold is to complete station mission and ensuring that your station is active while playing Lost Ark.
We've covered the essentials of your stronghold to date however, your player house can offer even more products and services with the right investment. Let's quickly go over some capabilities that can be found your house as you increase its level and complete certain research projects.
Knowledge Transfer
Trade merchants are vendors on a temporary basis that provide unique items. These merchants can swap seals collected from mission trips and transform them into unique materials craft recipes, collectible items, and even crew members to Buy Lost Ark Power leveling your ship. Vendors come and go in and out of the stronghold. Be sure to check your stronghold on a regular basis to see what's in stock.