Make sure to delete the account » Discussions » Bot nuke day was horrible and the infernal lag

  • Posted October 25, 2021

    The menus for tutorials were identical, however a new interface was RS gold created. A chat box opened with hundreds of people conversing with one another. It was so hard to comprehend what they were saying in Runescape language that you could easily spend several hours listening to what they were saying. Lumbridge was the first stop. However, you would not be heard by anyone as so many players would be engaged in private conversations. After a few minutes you'd get a reply "This is Lumbridge, Swans Sydney" and you'd instantly ask them what Lumbridge was and then be shown around.

    You remember the first steps, where you were taken to Varrock, the chicken coup, and the farm for cows? Yep, you sure do. You could always find someone who would guide you through Runescape and give you an overview of the Free To Play part. This person would be your first ever online friend and remain with you on your Runescape adventure for the majority of the time.

    To take on the goblins who crossed the bridge, you took the bronze sword that you got along with the shield you got. You were $3 richer after you killed the goblin that was first killed. You were amazed by the beauty of the landscape and wanted to explore every inch.

    Back then I was just an teen, and I was eager to play runescape because I was amazed that I could be an avatar and roam around a whole world, going wherever I wanted to go. I finished the island tutorial with just two coins. ).

    I took my job as an adventurer seriously and was prepared to fight with my wooden sword and bronze sword against anyone and everyone. My most favorite skills at the time were mining and smithing. I was looking for full iron armor, and was always looking for additional (mithril lol). Where did I learn about runescape? Sal's Realm of Runescape is the most excellent! A lot has changed in the world of runescape over the past few times... and sadly the majority of them weren't very good.

    Bot nuke day was horrible and the infernal lag issue was a major issue. I also didn't like the dungeoneering process and couldn't earn any money from selling armor in the marketplace. I was very frustrated that fraudsters were playing the game. I clicked on a link to a fake and my password was stolen. My dragon armor was taken. My money was safe in the bank. Although all the issues were extremely troubling, I was forced to leave due to two reasons.

    Jagex's customer service was so poor that it seemed as buy RuneScape gold if they did not care about me being scammed. Jagex came up the original idea of bringing back Runescape 2007 as a way to solve the problem instead of fixing the game.