games » Discussions » Sal's Realm has always loved RuneScape

  • Posted September 28, 2021

    In recent times of economic hardship the majority of runescape 3 gold online games are experiencing an increase in subscriptions to paid services. This is a sad fact, but it is evident in the decrease of the RuneScape player base. In the end, at the end of the day, the most important thing for Jagex is to see an excellent game and a profit made for both them and their shareholders. We, as players, respect Jagex's business interests. We also embrace Jagex's products. In essence, we have a deep care for future prospects of the company and game that we've come to love so very much.

    Sal's Realm has always loved RuneScape because of that love. We believe that RuneScape is a great game and product because of the respect and friendship Jagex and the player communities share. Both are determined to create RuneScape the most enjoyable game that is that is possible.

    Many players are interested in the ways in which Jagex continues to make money in the coming year, despite the financial challenges that many face. Some games have relied on a completely subscription-based models for many years. However, popular free-to-play games employ micro-transaction models which provide virtual benefits and goods for a low cost, based on the real world.

    Many small online gaming sites have used micro-transactions to earn massive profits. However, many players are not opposed to these transactions. So long the game is enjoyable and balanced they are not worried. Some game companies don't believe micro-transactions fit into the spirit of their products, and they often give certain players unfair advantages. Jagex seems to have taken such a stance in the past. According to The Guardian, Mark Gerhard the Jagex CEO said:

    "A majority of free games are false since they're not. Most of them rely primarily on the microtransactions, which are actually a sly tax. Jagex's chief executive Mark Gerhard says that fire cape buy osrs it is death by thousands of cuts.