games » Discussions » Rsgoldfast - It is possible to break the end results into bars

  • Posted July 25, 2021

    You'll be able to inquire about what the reason is for inferno cape osrs why Legacy of Seergaze does not refer to the conspiracy you witnessed in Legacy of Seergaze. To that I reply that the conspiracy you witnessed is much larger than Myreque quests. It is more likely to appear in the sequel to While Guthix Sleeps rather than Legacy of Seergaze.

    I was at my computer in the morning, wondering why smithing is not as effective as it could be. I looked at the GE prices and the bars were WAY more expensive than the final product on most products. Demand and supply are the issue I believe. There aren't enough bars being produced, too many end products available. This is my idea.

    It is possible to break the end results into bars. In some furnaces, we could place the grinder. What this grinder will do is crush any item you desire (of particular kinds of metal, i.e iron, bronze or rune) by placing the objects into the grinder, and getting X [metaltype] pellets, where x is the number of bars needed to create the items and metaltype is the type of metal you employed.

    They stack, however they do not require smithing experience. These pellets can be put into a furnace to create bars. It will require two pellets in order to create bronze-to-mithril bars, 3 pellets to make adamant + bars. Making bar-shaped bars is a good way to get 1/3 the experience as if you were making bars normally.

    Essentially, this reduces the amount of armor and items circulating, making their prices slightly higher. It allows for the creation of more bars (but not in a way that is harmful to mining or the smithing process), as well as allowing someone who is interested in smithing training to do so a little quicker and/or less expensive. This means that the balance between smithing and mining is achieved by making sure that buy RuneScape gold the prices are set correctly. Let us know your thoughts.